Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First swim!

Angie and Logan, Dan and Naya, and Gigi and I took the plunge at Angie's pool this week. This was the first time in anything other than a bath or amniotic fluid for the little ones. Note that a baby makes an excellent tummy cover.

Logan and Naya enjoyed the experience far more than Gabrielle, who only got wet up to her bellybutton before losing it. We'll try again soon.

But she did seem to enjoy lounging around the pool afterwards.

Ahhh... that mellow feeling after a swim....

Return from Africa

Our friend Peggy returned to Ottawa last week with her newly-adopted little boy, Devlin, from Kenya. As she says: "I went to Kenya for 6 months and stayed 14." In her months there, she managed to rewrite the laws of Kenya, which now allow single people to adopt babies. Their return was a big deal, and CTV news was there to document. Sadly for Devlin, he arrived in Canada to four feet of snow. I caught him looking out the windows of the airport in disbelief.

Top to bottom: Peggy and Devlin, a study in contrasts. Notice how Gabrielle snuck in the photo too; the papparazzi; Rhianna having her own moment with Devlin.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Madeline

We went over to Manon and Rob's for Madeline's first birthday today. It was controlled mayhem, with the children almost outnumbering the adults. However, I have to admit that these things are a lot more tolerable now that we have a child. 

Top to bottom: I've got my hat on, let's party!; Madeline choosing poorly, opting to suck on her fingers instead of the delicious cupcake; Gigi looks on as Madeline tears into her birthday loot.

Hangin' in da crib

Gabrielle's room is pretty much set up, now that we have this borrowed crib from Carole and John. Of course, Gabrielle is still sleeping in her mini-crib in our room, but we do hang out in her room quite a bit during the day and she appears to like the bounce and feel of the new crib. We'd better move her into it before she outgrows it. 

Going outside

This is my preferred way of getting around town with Gigi - in her sling. It's so much easier navigating around, especially in this crazy snow, and it invariably gets us a seat on the bus. The downside is that my back is killing me. I'm hoping my muscles eventually catch up with her weight gain.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Gabrielle's first work out

Desperate to regain our pre-baby bodies, Angie and I have started taking our kids to the Goodlife in Vanier because there's a daycare attached to the gym. As this was my first time leaving her with anyone but her father, I kept my workout short and kept checking in on her through the windows. 

Top, Gigi flexes her muscles in the swingy chair (looking a little sad, I must admit...). Bottom, Gigi rests up before her workout. Angie and Logan eat a power lunch.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cutest snowsuit spokesmodel ever

I ain't seen snow like this since the winter of '71...

That bump in the photo  on the right is our BBQ. Could be awhile before we use this entrance again.

We Drapers love our sleep

Let's just say that she and Mark share a disturbing number of similarities...

Nice motor skills, sweetie

Gigi's dexterity is really improving, and she can now perform many useful tasks around the home, such as sucking her thumb and grasping onto colourful rings.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Sunday, March 2, 2008

This is what happens when Mark dresses the baby

Andra and Chris finally got to meet Gabrielle at her favourite Market coffee shop, Planet Coffee. Thanks much for the excellent cookies, Andra. And I guess I should say thanks to Reg and Erica for the t-shirt, but I don't really want to...
