Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Four months old

Gigi had her four month check-up and immunizations today. All went well, as expected, although she cried like crazy after the shots. I wish they wouldn't tell me each time how much the shot "burns" when it goes in. It breaks my heart. 

This is also a good opportunity to update you on her growth progress. Here are her stats, for those interested (or competitive) in such things:

Birth weight: 8 lbs. 15 ozs.
Birth length: 21.25"

5 week weight: 13 lbs. 1 oz.
5 week length: 23.13"

10 week weight: 14 lbs. 15 ozs.
10 week length: 23.6"

4 month weight: 16 lbs. 13 ozs.
4 month length: 25.2"

She's been in the 95th percentile for weight since birth and is currently in the 90th for height. 


How cute is this frog suit from Mark's aunt Kitty?

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Unbelievable feats of athleticism

Lifting her head!...

Sitting up!!...

..Even standing!!!

Bring your child to work day

Angie and I brought our kids to Nortel for a visit last week. It was pretty cute getting a little "escort required" badge for Gabrielle and Logan. We were also warned by security to keep them away from chemical baths, live wiring and loading docks. Thanks for the heads up.

I think Gabrielle was really upset by the idea of her father working in a cubicle, but Mark thinks she just had a wet diaper.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Sorry for the manic quality of my voice. We'd been at it for awhile.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Someone's got a foot fetish

...and I think it's me. But look at these cuties! 

Sunday, April 13, 2008

This chair's too nice to eat on

I assembled the amazing Svan High Chair this weekend, bought for us by Amos & Carolyn. The thing is gorgeous, well-designed, and not made in China. Now we only have to wait until Gabrielle can sit up well on her own to put it to use. Grow, Gigi, grow!! On second thought, don't. 


I noticed that children in Gigi's age group always seem to have shoes on their feet when we see them at playgroups. I have no idea why they need shoes, and their parents don't seem to either, but I've decided to conform and put shoes on her feet when we leave the house. These are my faves because they have cats on them - Banshee and Rutger, I call them, named after my dearly departed. 

A girl after my own heart

Mmm.... I just love the CBC. Mmmmm.. I just love my fingers.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Last time I saw you guys, you were bumps

 Gigi tries out a jolly jumper for the first time ever today. I think I'm ready to put a slow-down  on this whole growing up thing. 

Gigi and I went over to visit with two woman from our prenatal class and their babies. Very cool to see the moms all fit and trim and the babies out of their mothers' bellies. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures of the mothers - but the babies all got along famously. Well actually, they mostly just ignored each other, but that's about as good as you get at this age. Oliver (left) and Jaeden (centre) are both a month older than Gabrielle, but you'd never know it. She's gonna be a big bruiser, she is.

Little Miss High Maintenance

Nana visited recently, bringing with her a gorgeous sweater she knit for Ms. Gabrielle. It's handwash only, but I'll just do it when I handwash her cashmere blanket. Nothing's too good for our little one, it would seem...

Ready to roll

In our free time, Gabrielle and I have been working on her rolling skills. As you can see, it's a promising start. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

More friends visit...

Brucifer checks out Gabrielle on a recent visit. She thinks he's standing too close.

Look ma, I'm holding a baby.

John came over and showed off his progeny, Charlotte, and his New York City Marathon t-shirt from a long long time ago. Still fits!