Sunday, June 22, 2008

DeeP visits (finally)

My BFF, Dawn, aka D.P., aka DeeP, came to Ottawa to show off her new boyf and I got to show off the new babe. It was love at first sight. I mean between baby and DP. Maybe between Dawn and Nate too - never got the story. Anyways, sorry Nate, forgot to get a photo of you snoggling with Gabrielle. Next time? 

First Father's Day!

Mark got his turn with the breakfast in bed and all that. His request was more modest than mine was on Mother's Day (see Mother's Day posting below), asking only for toasted bagel with cream cheese and tomato. I threw in a fruit smoothie for free. 

His Father's Day gift was a mousepad for his office (couldn't find a soap-on-a-rope). I love that Gigi's looking at it like, that looks kinda familiar...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Do the Exersaucer!

Gabrielle is loving spending time in her Exersaucer, one of the huge pieces of plastic we've learned to live with. In this episode, she works on her tap dancing and discovers herself in the mirror...

Monday, June 16, 2008

Bouncy bouncy fun fun fun fun fun

Gigi is really starting to enjoy this jumping thingy. I think it's funny that it's got a tray on it - what are we supposed to put on it ... snacks?

Newsflash: you can't see them quite yet, but Gabrielle sprouted 2 teeth this week - the two front incisors on her lower gums. Can't wait to see that bulldog smile.

Yoga baby

This is Gabrielle's favourite new position, and she even does it when she's asleep sometimes. This kid just gets cuter and cuter.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Future skinhead, or maybe soccer hooligan?

Mummy, I like it more when you dress me rather than Daddy...

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Rideau Lakes

It's 6:30 Saturday morning and Mummy and Bruce are all ready to go while Daddy and Gabrielle are still in their PJs.

Two hours later; Daddy and daughter are locked and loaded.

Go Mummy! Hey, who's that sucking wind at the back?

Perth. Out of the sweaty car-seat and into a sweaty lap. Great.

Mmmm, salty lunch.

Yesterday it was Mummy sweating all over me, and today it's Daddy. I wanna go home!

Monday, June 2, 2008



Mark and Gigi have been working on this awesome little trick that really shows how in-tune they are with each other - it's almost uncanny. They'll be hitting the summer festival circuit with it once the matching father-daughter costumes are done.

Sewing project completed!

As part of Gabrielle's room makeover, I had been intending to make a cushion for the window seat, something I've personally always wanted, but never had in any of my own apartments. After many months in progress, the pillow is done! (By the way, Gigi matching the cushion in these photos is *completely* coincidental.)

So far, she enjoys lying on it...

...sitting up on it...

... and even spending time on her belly. Just don't puke up on it Gigi, K?