Sunday, August 24, 2008

First/last swim at the cottage

Last weekend was Gabrielle's first time in Derek and Angie's lake, and unfortunately her last time as well, as they have sold the cottage. It's ok - she's got the lake rash to remember it by.

Thanks, Angie, for the photo - I stole it off your blog. Unfortunately, our camera is still on the fritz, so I'm relying on the kindness of others for content.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Playing in the sand = last posting for awhile...

Here we are at the park, along with the Kretzstibbards. Angie is so awesome with Gabrielle, keeping her from putting a sand-covered shovel in her mouth, while her lackadaisical parents look on... 

Speaking of negligence, some sand must have somehow gotten into this lackadaisical parent's camera, because the camera has been all jammed up since the park. Until we get it fixed, there won't be any more blogging, sorry folks. Check again in a week or three...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Safety first!

We now have the bike attachment for the Chariot, so Gabrielle tried out the bike helmet she was given while she was in utero. It actually fits her ginormous head, but not for much longer, I don't think. There are cats on it, so she's happy to wear it, in spite of what daddy thinks of helmet safety.

Daddy's little girl

Gabrielle thought it was "roll up the rim to win" time. Silly baby.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Budding fashionista?

Gabrielle usually spends some time each day strapped in a chair on top of the kitchen counter while I do the dishes and other wifely duties. She usually plays with stuff that I put in the dish rack for her to pick up, like spatulas, sharp knives, etc. The other day, she picked up this freshly-washed container from the Thai food we had ordered the night before...

... and plopped it on her head like a hat. She seemed to think it was hilarious, as did I, but only because it totally didn't go with that shirt.

More birthday pics

Gigi and her cousins, getting up-close and personal.

All the ladies of the Peres/Nomkin/Mandelker/Draper clan.

I love this picture because of the lighting on Gabrielle's face and because of the way my hair looks. ;-)

Amelia struggling with yet another costume change for Gabrielle.

Thanks to my parents for supplying all of the above photos (next time higher res, puh-leez?)