Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Now that Gigi's on the move, we decided it was finally time to babyproof the house. Instead of going the traditional route of cluttering the house with gates and drawer locks, we decided that these little orange pylons around Gabrielle would keep her contained and the rest of the house safe.

Rule breaker! This kid is going to be trouble...


Scary tiny mall Santa

So this is the shot from the posting below. In my mind, the Santa was alot bigger and scarier. In Gabrielle's mind too - this was the only shot where she's not screaming bloody murder.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Bruce and Jack and a cuddly visit

Our good friend Bruce has recently moved back to Ottawa and came over a couple of weeks ago with his nephew, Jack. We decided to go see Santa at the Rideau Centre and then walk over to Hull to the Children's Museum.

Right off the bat, Jack was an unbelievably cute and friendly little guy. Gabrielle didn't seem to mind his advances, although if Mark had been around, I'm pretty sure he would have shooed Jack away.

Here they are, all packed into the Chariot for our little adventure. It was nice that Gabrielle had some company in there. We pulled down the plastic cover to keep them warm, but we could still hear Jack talking to her all the way to the mall.

Jack was like a big brother to Gigi, helping her walk around the mall. I also liked that he made her look small again. Needless to say, Gabrielle was absolutely terrified on Santa's lap, so Jack came in and she calmed right down. 

On the long walk to the museum, Jack was sleepy and declared that he'd be taking a nap. You have to look hard, but you can just see his red and yellow striped hat snuggling up to Gabrielle. Jack's an amazing little boy - I would have liked to kidnap him. Just kidding. Sorta.

Another side of Gabrielle

People who mostly see Gabrielle on this blog always say to me what a happy, cheerful baby she is. Well yes, that's true. Well OK, not always. For some reason, we never take pictures of her when she's wailing in tears. I felt a bit like a crappy mother taking these while my baby was crying - at least I turned the flash off when I saw that it was upsetting her even more. That's gotta count for something.

Monday, December 8, 2008