Monday, June 22, 2009

The big test

At Gabrielle's 15 month doctor's appointment awhile back, the doctor went through a list of the usual milestones that she would have expected Gabrielle to have hit, including whether Gabrielle can stack blocks. Mark realized he had never seen her stack blocks, and so we decided to buy her a set, just to make sure.

Yup, she can. 

And she can say "blocks" too. 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Saturday, June 13, 2009

At the park

My mom and her friend Leonard drove up for a visit a couple of weeks ago, and so we decided to break up the eating with a trip to the park. Gabrielle is still pretty nervous around water features - her brow was furrowed throughout. 

She likes this little bouncy fake see-saw thing.

I'm on the other side of the see-saw, except it has a giant spring in the middle, so no more getting off the see-saw with the other person high in the air. Kids are so sheltered these days.

Don't think my mom didn't enjoy herself too. She got herself up as high as the swing would go. Are you sure you're 71??