Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Peres part of Gigi

Gabrielle takes after Mark in so many ways, not the least of which are the colour of her eyes and her inability to get a tan. However, I finally identified an undeniable Peres trait - she loves to chew on the bones of a chicken. Mark definitely chooses to leave more meat on the bone than I would, and I like to make sure there's no waste on my pieces but Gabrielle goes well beyond what I would ever do - she will chew on the end of a bone until there is no semblance of meat, cartilege or marrow left on it. 

A little creepy? Sure. But look at the cuteness. Oh, the cuteness...

Cyclist in training

It's a $7 used tricycle with a long pink pole attached to it for parental pushing but it's a start.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Which belly is which?

Because Carolyn asked, I am posting a belly photo. For interest's sake, I thought I would also post a photo from the first pregnancy at around the same number of weeks. One belly has a boy inside, one has a girl. Can YOU tell the difference?... (answer below)

(top photo is from the current pregnancy. Reward yourself with a big spoonful of Oreo ice cream if you got it right - and send me the rest of the tub.)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Back to the beginning

On a recent "family day," we all went down to the Market to check out old haunts. Many will recognize the front door to Mark's old apartment on Guigues, the entryplace to much carousing, but also the very spot where we first met. 

And Mark showing G the parking spot that used to be occupied by his giant Cadillac: C'mere sweetie, you gotta see this...

Anne of Green Gables, in the buff

I'm sure she'll hate me for this one day.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

London visit

Mark's sister Katharine having a baby gave us an excellent excuse to visit, as we hadn't seen the family since Christmas. There's nothing like a baby to bring people together. Gabrielle ADORED her older and more sophisticated cousin, Maggie, and wanted to do everything Maggie did. I think Maggie was flattered at first, but was clearly annoyed by the end of our visit. Having admirers isn't all it's cracked up to be, I guess.

One fun thing we did was go to their neighbourhood pool, where there were a billion kids jumping off the diving board. G decided she wanted to get in on the action, so we strapped on a life vest, did a few prayers, and Katharine dropped her off the diving board.

Mark was close at hand for the landing. In truth, I don't think G's head even touched the water, but it all seemed quite dramatic at the time. The best news was when she said "more".

We also took a daytrip to Uncle Ray's cottage on beautiful Lake Huron. The water was like bathwater and I could have birthed the baby right there on the shore, I was so happy to just beach myself in the shallow water. 

Little Trevor was not forgotten.

Gabrielle got the chance to spend some quality time with the grandparents, here playing with a large container of glass beads. Empty them out, fill it back up, empty them out, fill it back up, repeat.

And more Maggie-time, here Gabrielle trying out Maggie's old big wheel tricycle, Mark giving her an extra push to enable her to keep up with her two-wheeler (no fair).

Did I mention they were cute together?

Draper sibs with progeny.

At a kids-size table at the fish 'n chips joint - Gabrielle listening and learning from her cousin's many stories. Of course G could eat Maggie under the table any day, but that's another story...