Thursday, July 22, 2010

Canada Day in the 'burbs

Mark and I did what we used to laugh at others for doing: we spent Canada Day at Britannia Park (a.k.a. the deep suburbs). What can we say - it's kid-friendly and full of stuff for them to do. At least we arrived in urban style - we packed the kids into the Chariot and rode over on our bikes. (full disclosure: we actually drove our car to our new house, then got on our bikes and rode the last 8k or so over to the park. Not quite as hardcore as we used to be.)

Gabrielle on her perennial fave, the carousel.

Mark got her to try something new: the spinning strawberries. They rode with Dan and his fearless daughter Naya. Apparently G cried quite a bit during the harrowing ride.

Then it was time for her to try a solo ride, at least one without adults. She and Naya rode this little choo-choo that reached a top speed of 2 km/hr, I reckon. G loved it, Naya almost fell asleep. After this great success we put them in the flying bees ride together. G was pulled out of it by the ride supervisor even before it began - he could tell that the pre-ride tears didn't bode well. Naya's so cool - she loved the bees and then went on to ride the big kid rides with her dad. This fear of rides thing is so obviously genetic - Mark and I both avoid rollercoasters - can the cycle be broken??

Finally, she rode the ponies - this one was named Peanut, according to her. There was alot of whimpering from her throughout.

One thing she loves to do is eat, preferably junk food. She basically stole this caramel apple out of my hands and wouldn't give it back. Naya may be a pro on the rides but no one eats like our G.

Where did that year go?

Here is G on the morning of her last day at daycare:

And here she was on her first day:

She's gone from toddler to little girl ("I'm a big girl!!" she yells at me) in the span of a year.


We found this little guy at the gym daycare and Isaac took to him immediately. I almost took him home by accident - I really found them quite similar in appearance.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Gal pal or more?

Isaac and I spend alot of time with my BFF Natalie and her daughter Alix, who is almost exactly 3 months Isaac's junior. Mostly we go to the gym while the kids nap side by side at the daycare, but they might be bonding - who knows?

"You're cute."
"No, you're cute."
"No, you."