Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Menace with an iphone

Every time I go out of town for work, Mark sends me photos of himself and the kids doing stuff, usually just waving at the camera and other niceties. I get the feeling they're getting a little tired of all my travelling, though.

Friends! (finally)

Rain man

Gabrielle loves playing in the rain, but I suspect it's mostly because of the cute rain accessories: boots, jacket, umbrella. Isaac, however, genuinely loves playing in water. After this video was shot, he stayed outside, in the rain, running back and forth through the puddle for almost half an hour. It was cold, pouring rain. I kept checking outside to see how he was doing. I was fully prepared to bring him in from the rain and right to the hospital with pneumonia. Never happened. He's toughened up, our little man.

I wouldn't have believed it...

Those who know my father know that he doesn't share food with other men. In this case, it was Isaac who was agreeing to share his banana bread with him, and so I guess my dad had to be, uh, flexible.