Monday, December 19, 2011

Bedtime snuggling in the big bed

We often read books in "the big bed" these days.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

"Time to get naked and play in the toy kitchen!"

Thus spoke Gabrielle one day. I don't know why naked cooking interests her. Really, I don't. Really.

I think her favourite part of the kitchen might be the little phone. We could have saved ourselves a bundle by just getting her a little play phone. Oh well, it was a small price to pay to get rid of the pacifiers once and for good.

Luckily, Isaac also enjoys the kitchen, so we may get a year or two out of it yet. He doesn't cook naked. At least, not yet.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Some Videos

Here are a couple of recent videos of the kids.

This first one is from one of Isaac's introductory days at daycare. Here he is getting to know the playground:

This second one is from an afternoon jam session:

It's amazing how fast technology moves isn't it? Just barely a year ago my iPhone 4 was cutting edge, and now the videos are so old-fashioned looking already. Time for an upgrade?

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Nana's fall visit

Very fun visit with Nana awhile back, including an excellent fall visit to Dovercourt park.

Below, Nana teaches Isaac how to use an old-time abacus.

Smiles, everyone, smiles!

Gabrielle using her new "ouchless" brush on Nana.

"Nana, you're such a cut-up!!"