Thursday, September 6, 2012

It's my birthday and I'll have a banana split if I want to... (but I didn't)

And so all I wanted was a banana split for my birthday dinner at Dick's Drive-In and Dairy Dip and if I didn't have kids, that's what I would have had for dinner, but I felt like I had to be a good role model, and so I ordered a sandwich first and it was big and *urp* was too full for a banana split. We shared a scoop of vanilla four-ways instead. Sigh...

Safta summer visit

Hard to say who looks happiest in this photo. That's a lot of happy!

Catching up on summer

We've been pretty busy, what with...

Graduating from Junior Kindergarten...


...Playing Popsicles Soccer (first soccer, then popsicles)...

...Busy busy busy...