Thursday, May 8, 2008

Chowin' down

We decided to start Gabrielle on solids, even though the current recommendation is to wait until six months. My doctor explained that this recommendation is based on studies that have indicated that starting food later may lead to reduced incidences of food allergies, but she also conceded that those studies have recently been contradicted by other studies, so it was really up to us as to whether we thought Gigi was ready for solids. One reason we wanted to try giving her food is because Gigi is no longer sleeping through the night and feeds every couple of hours day and night. She's a big baby, so I thought maybe she's just hungry. Or maybe that's just my inner Jewish mama coming out. Anyways, the picture above is just before her first spoonful of organic brown rice cereal. Look at the excitement in her eyes!

And here she is, taking her first few spoonfuls. It went amazingly smoothly, as if she'd been eating out of a spoon her whole life. The books all say that you should be happy if you can get a teaspoon of cereal in her mouth the first time. More like five or six tablespoons, I would say - she ate the whole bowl we had prepared for her. Little Ms. Piggy.

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