Sunday, November 30, 2008

The family that sleeps together...

Mornings vary at our house, with Gabrielle waking up anytime between 5 and 8am. This was one of the early wake-ups, where she woke up and played with me on the bed for an hour or so until I got up to take my shower. When I returned to the bedroom, Gabrielle had leaned back onto Mark and had fallen back to sleep in that position. Although it looks like a peaceful pose, Mark was awake and sweating under there, trying to figure out how to extricate himself without waking her up.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Getting the hang of it

(and no, that's not blood - it's blackberries...)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Introducing: Meaghan!

Here is Gabrielle's first meeting with her new nanny, Meaghan. It was a mutual admiration society, with Gabrielle loving Meaghan's smile and Meaghan loving Gabrielle's baby blues. Although Gabrielle is generally shy with strangers, it only took her about 10 minutes to jump into Meaghan's lap and start fingering her jewellery. Mark and I are hugely relieved that we found this awesome woman to take care of Gabrielle full time starting January 5th. Of course, we're both miserable that we can't be home with our daughter and see her development as it happens. In Meaghan's contract, we asked her to take photos of Gabrielle on a regular basis and post them with commentary on the blog. No joke. 21st century problems call for 21st century solutions.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Turns out walking wasn't so far behind

Here she is with a walker she received from Peggy. It only took her a couple of days to master walking behind it without it getting away from her. But what's really cool is how she starts on cue, puts on a big smile, and even sings a little walking song.

But don't you wonder what she would look like from the front pushing one of these walkers? Well wonder no longer...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

There's a whole lotta standing going on

Here's Gabrielle's latest trick, a big one, mind you. The longest we've clocked her at so far is 30 seconds. Can walking be far behind?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Just like the good old days

I had Remembrance Day off work, so I took Gabrielle to her regular Tuesday afternoon play group and gave Mark a break from the drudgery of taking care of our child ;-). I pulled out the ol' trusty sling, which she loved being in again. I don't know if it's because she's a winter baby or what, but she's so freaking cute all swaddled in wool and fleece. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Peek-a-boo (turn head 90 degrees to enjoy)

Gabrielle is learning new tricks every few days or so. Here she is mastering the fine art of peekaboo. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

[Not so] Happy Halloween!

Here we are - the silly family - getting ready for Gabrielle's first Halloween. In case it's not exceedingly obvious, Gabrielle was dressed as a sock puppet monkey (and not simply as a monkey, as Mark kept insisting). 

It's been about 20 years since I've been out trick or treating. I figured I could dress our adorable baby in a cute costume and she'd bring in a couple of bagloads of candy, easy.

I didn't count on her being totally freaked out every time a door opened. The owners were treated by a big 'WAAAAHHH!!' that totally drowned out my cheerful 'Trick or Treat!' As a result, we called it quits after only two houses. Net haul: 5 mini chocolate bars.

We put Gigi to bed and then headed out to a Halloween party where we met a guy who Mark totally clicked with...