Saturday, April 25, 2009

Family time at the park

First of all, sorry for the delay in posting - we've been preoccupied with getting the condo ready to put on the market, so blogging has fallen by the wayside. Not that G hasn't been up to all kinds of adventures. On Easter weekend, we hitched up the Chariot to the bikes and pulled Gabrielle all over town, including to Stanley Park, which we just discovered not far from our house. Gabrielle is seriously into animals these days, and loves "woofing" at passing dogs. 

This little one was just her size. Unfortunately, right after this photo was taken, she tried to choke it. A love squeeze.

After the dogs got sick of her, we checked out the various cool apparatus in the playground. This is a still picture, but Gabrielle was rocking back and forth on this thing for quite a while. But the real fun began once she got on the swings...

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