Saturday, May 30, 2009

Change of title

Sorry for the long delay since my last posting - it's truly been a month of activity. First we put our condo up for sale, then 3 days later we took it down, due to the upcoming levying of a "special assessment." At the same time, I got some gastro bug, as did Gabrielle. Work has been nuts for me, and Meaghan turned into Erin (although that was easily the least stressful part of the last few weeks) so all in all, a crazy few weeks. 

Those with a sharp eye will notice we have changed the name of the blog (see above). Near the end of October, Little Boy Draper will arrive into the world. That was also part of the craziness of the last few weeks - I ended up having amnio and found out the next day that: 1) Baby Boy is fine; and 2) Baby Boy is a Boy!

And making his video debut on the Babies Draperes blog:


Katharine said...

Congratulations!! Cute baby...looks like Mark.

Meaghan said...
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