Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Peres part of Gigi

Gabrielle takes after Mark in so many ways, not the least of which are the colour of her eyes and her inability to get a tan. However, I finally identified an undeniable Peres trait - she loves to chew on the bones of a chicken. Mark definitely chooses to leave more meat on the bone than I would, and I like to make sure there's no waste on my pieces but Gabrielle goes well beyond what I would ever do - she will chew on the end of a bone until there is no semblance of meat, cartilege or marrow left on it. 

A little creepy? Sure. But look at the cuteness. Oh, the cuteness...


Meaghan said...

Is she sitting on one of the bar stools?

Belinda said...

Yup, she's been sitting on those instead of her high chair for months now - at least 5 or 6?