Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Weekend OFF a.k.a. Mark and G go to Lennoxville

Mark and I celebrated our four-year wedding anniversary by he and Gabrielle leaving town for the weekend to visit his family in Lennoxville. I, ever prudent, decided I didn't want to risk going into labour and having to give birth with some random doctor and nurses in the Hopital de Sherbrooke. The other possible option would have been to strap myself into the car's passenger seat at the onset of labour and drive four hours back to Ottawa. The image of my delivering a baby somewhere along the 417 with Mark and Gabrielle there to attend didn't much appeal to me either. And let's face it, I just wanted some alone time, which I got and which I greatly appreciated. Happy Anniversary Husband! Next year, Vegas...

By all accounts (or at least what Mark tells me), Gabrielle had a great visit with the Drapers. There were cats at every turn....

Her cousin Blaise and his bowl of Cheesies to steal from....

Rolling in the leaves with Mark's cousin, Sarah, Mathieu and Blaise....

Apple picking in their very own back yard....

And apple eating too! The perfect Thanksgiving weekend for all...

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