Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Saint Cece

Carolyn came for a visit last week to help us out with Isaac and get to know Gabrielle a bit better, as she's never had any one-on-one time with her. It turns out that the timing couldn't have been better for us, as we still hadn't bought our new car and we didn't know how we'd be shuttling G back and forth to daycare with Mark back at work and me having to take a newborn and G on the bus in rush hour traffic. Our lives are so bloody complicated - how did this all happen?

Anyways... Carolyn was such a saint, holding Isaac as much as possible, playing with Gabrielle in the morning and afternoon, cooking food, and generally helping out around the house. She also cemented her new nickname with G, who is calling her Cece (pronounced See-See).

We went out for Japanese food the day before Carolyn left. She seemed really impressed by G's ability with chopsticks. Hell, I was impressed too - where did she learn to use them??

Carolyn was a bit over her head when it came to changing cloth diapers but she muddled through.

And there was alot of this, for which I was extremely grateful. She'd plop on the couch with him and I'd hit the showers. I'd be away from him for just long enough that I wanted to hold him again. Sometimes she'd let me, sometimes she wouldn't.


1 comment:

Katharine said...

Sounds like a fantasic visit. Do you think she wants to come and visit me too? ;) You've got her all trained with the cloth and everything!