Saturday, January 9, 2010


This photo pretty much sums up our holiday as it went downhill after Christmas Day.

Our Christmas holiday began innocently enough with our arrival in Lennoxville on the afternoon of the 24th. To my surprise, the tree was not yet decorated, and it didn't look like anyone had any real ambition to do so. After some strong hints, Mark finally jumped up and ralleyed the troops. He strung up the lights with his dad and then collapsed onto the couch from his exertion, leaving Kitty, Gabrielle and Maggie to put up the decorations.

We returned on Christmas morning to open the stocking gifts, which were plentiful as always. Gabrielle had a great time ripping open the wrapping on each individual gift, although I have no photos of her doing so, as our camera was dying and I had left the charger at home. It was alot like last year - she'd open a gift, examine it, and then move on to the next. Among the awesome things she received were the season's must-have red Olympic mitts from the Bay, books, hats, jammies, and chocolates. Isaac also had a stocking full of stuff which I got to open for him. He thanks everyone for their generosity.

Christmas dinner was particularly delicious this year. No log, but ah well...

A lovely photo of Big Sis and Lil Bro on Christmas night. Isaac's new boots, courtesy of Santa and G's monkey jammies, courtesy of the Macdonald girls.

We ended up leaving Lennoxville a few days earlier than planned, so Gabrielle was presented with birthday gifts to open before departing. Here she is opening what is now one of her favourite toys: a stroller. This also doubles as a shopping cart in her imagination. Note cousin Trevor making a cameo appearance in this photo.

Gabrielle had been acting strangely throughout the holiday, most likely from the penecillin she was taking for an ear infection. Nonetheless, she spent a couple of nights screaming in pain - something we were not at all prepared for or used to. She kept complaining of stomach pains and would run fevers intermittently through the night. We decided that we should head back to Ottawa, in case a trip to a hospital would become necessary. The odd behaviour continued until G finished her antibiotics. Once we got back to Ottawa, Mark and I were both struck with horrible colds that basically ruined the rest of our holiday, and making childcare a nightmare: "can you get up and change Isaac's diaper?" "No, I can't move, can you do it?"

Christmas 2009: can we do it over?

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