Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Trip to Halifax

Just to ensure equal treatment, Isaac got to take his first flight on the same route G enjoyed two years ago, i.e. Porter flight to Halifax. It was just he and I on the trip and Mark and G stayed home for a daddy-daughter weekend. Although it was meant to be a social visit, it turned out to be incredibly lucky that we chose that particular weekend - more on this later....

Isaac loved this big black beanbag chair that was strategically placed right in front of the TV.

This particular nap was on Friday afternoon, the day after we arrived. He and I were just relaxing downstairs and I suddenly felt a wave of nausea. Being alone in the house, I didn't know what to do with Isaac - I just knew I had to get to a toilet fast. I threw him onto the beanbag and ran to the toilet for the first of several episodes of vomitting that would continue for the next 8 hours. When I came back into the room, he was asleep. Thank goodness, because I could barely stand up, nevermind take care of a baby.

Speaking of not being able to take care of my baby, I really wasn't. I basically spent the next 24 hours in bed and Amos, Carolyn and the kids took over all my parenting responsibilities, other than feeding. Here is Isaac being lovingly bathed in the kitchen sink by Carolyn after a poo-nami. (copyright Angie K.)

And here's Ben keeping young Isaac company.

Dr. Amos was on hand to administer chicken soup and whatnot.

And finally, young Amelia serenaded Isaac every chance she got. How cool is it to have your very own minstrel?

1 comment:

Katharine said...

Wow, does he ever look like Amos in that picture - same head tilt & all! Sorry you were sick.