Saturday, February 27, 2010

Winterlude: better luck next year?

Erin and her boyfriend Sean had the awesome idea of getting us out to Winterlude at Jacques Cartier Park for some sliding on the ice slides, which I had never even heard of and was dubious about from the get-go. As it turns out, the slides were a blast, or at least that was my personal opinion.

Gabrielle, on the other hand, wasn't a fan. We all linked arms and went down together the first time, sliding with our butts on the ice. G only agreed to go because she had no idea what she was in for. She was crying like crazy at the end, which was a mere 5 seconds after we left from the top. Personally, I thought it was a blast and would have stayed all day, were it not for my grumpy 2 year old. Did I mention all the other kids around us thought it was lots of fun?

When I finally got her to stop crying, she looked like this. Not a sight a mother wants to see.

We managed to moderately cheer her up by feeding her hot chocolate, but I never got a big smile out of her for the rest of the day. We went on another ice slide which I can say she hated twice as much as the first one. After that, it was a beeline to the car. So far Winterlude has been a bust with G but I give it two thumbs up.

1 comment:

Andra said...

Her face brings tears to my eyes too. I'm with G, not a big fan of 'rides'