Monday, April 26, 2010

Hopping for muscular dystrophy

Gabrielle participated in her first fundraiser at daycare - a hop-athon (check out the bunny ears) for muscular dystrophy. Thanks to all who donated - G raised a whopping $179!!

Above is Susie the Magnificent, Gabrielle's daycare teacher. Susie is the number one reason G is so happy at daycare. She's like the sweet, loving mommy Gabrielle never had. Um, I mean...


In the foreground is a girl who used to be much bigger (and scarier) than G but G has since caught up with her. They're like giants among all the little people.

Hop like you mean it, Gabrielle! HOP!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Bought! Sold! New tooth!

What an INSANE couple of days (weeks? months?..) it's been. Last week, we sold our condo (we thought) but then the deal fell through before the buyer signed the counter-offer. We have just found out that our condo has been bought by someone else - as I write this, our agent is on his way over here with the final paperwork for us to sign. Assuming all the standard conditions are fulfilled, it looks like we will have sold our condo. Thanks Wallis House, you've been good to us...

On Friday night, we bid on a house on Churchill Street in Westboro along with ten other hopeful homeowners. Our agent was in the house doing his presentation while we waited at a coffee shop nearby in case we were needed. It was such a ridiculous process - the showings for the house started on Tuesday and offers were to be presented at 6pm on Friday. I went to see it with our agent on Tuesday afternoon, then Mark went with our agent on Wednesday afternoon, then we had a pre-inspection on Friday morning. Over the span of the four days of showings, the house had been pre-inspected FIVE times by five different potential purchasers. Traditionally, inspections are done AFTER the buyer is chosen, but in this competitive market, people are taking their chances and pre-inspecting so they can waive the inspection clause at the time of making an offer. Anyways, long story short, we bit the bullet and put in a very competitive offer and our agent pulled out all stops to get us the house, including offering Senators tickets to the sellers if they accepted our offer. Miraculously, we WON! We are thrilled - the house is pretty perfect for us and completely move-in ready.

Here are the MLS photos below - the bottom photo is of the basement rumpus room/guest room - please come and visit anytime (after July 26th)....

Oh yeah, and Isaac cut his first tooth on Friday. As if buying and selling a house weren't enough excitement for one day...

Monday, April 12, 2010

Temporary digs

We put our condo on the market as of the beginning of April and realized there was no way we could show it while living there. I know some families do it, but I also know divorces happen so we decided to take proactive measures so that wouldn't happen. As it happens, our friends Dan and Amanda (hereinafter known as "AmanDan") were going out of town for the month of April, so we are housesitting and taking care of the dog, Melanie. I will post more pictures once we get back home, but here are a few taken by Meaghan on her phone:

Gabrielle is LOVING all of Naya's toys - here she is doing some computer work while simultaneously sitting on the family room potty. I love that she's already learned not to waste time...

And here's her new "big girl" ponytail, to go along with sleeping in a big girl bed and sitting in a big girl car seat.

Isaac's loving suburban life too - Exersaucers abound in this suburban mansion.