Monday, April 26, 2010

Hopping for muscular dystrophy

Gabrielle participated in her first fundraiser at daycare - a hop-athon (check out the bunny ears) for muscular dystrophy. Thanks to all who donated - G raised a whopping $179!!

Above is Susie the Magnificent, Gabrielle's daycare teacher. Susie is the number one reason G is so happy at daycare. She's like the sweet, loving mommy Gabrielle never had. Um, I mean...


In the foreground is a girl who used to be much bigger (and scarier) than G but G has since caught up with her. They're like giants among all the little people.

Hop like you mean it, Gabrielle! HOP!!

1 comment:

Katharine said...

Um, did you ask us and we missed it? Sorry!

That's some excellent hopping :)