Monday, May 24, 2010

Isaac at six months

At his six month check-up and weigh-in, Isaac weighed 8.2 kgs and measured 70 cm in length. His length continues to put him just above the 90th percentile but his weight puts him at the 75th. In other words, he's long and lean - early days though.

In other ways that he's differentiating himself from Gabrielle, during his vaccinations, he didn't cry at all, even though it was clearly very painful to him. He seemed to be catching himself and managing to stop himself from crying, if it's possible to imagine a six-month old doing so. Gabrielle used to wail away at every shot - it would take breastfeeding her for 15 minutes to calm her down each time.

And in yet another interesting difference, Isaac is not much for the food - he'll eat it, but he prefers the bland stuff - he seems to find even avocado to be too exotic for his palate. Whenever I give him anything other than whipped squash, he screws his face up to indicate his displeasure. Well sorrrrrrry, we're used to a different kind of eater around here...

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