Monday, November 29, 2010

Isaac is 1!


What can I say - it's been a crazy year. It sort of flew by and it sort of felt like every day dragged by as if coated in glue and molasses. But Isaac is one and is turning into quite a little character. My prediction is that he turns out to be a concentrated, determined guy who's a picky eater. Or he may not turn into my father - we can only wait and see.


Pictures from the little man's party:

"Happy Birfday to Baby Isaaaaaac....."

One thing he's not picky about is dessert. Sugar is yummy.

The proud grandmother, trying to keep Isaac from destroying the house...

Gabrielle's best bud, Logan, always up for cake.

Gabrielle and a variety of her former caregivers, Susie and Erin.

G and Susie. Those two smiled through the whole party.

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