Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hanukkah day 8

And so, inspired by our success a few nights previous, I decided to make the leap and get a menorrah for our family (sponsored by a generous donor who shall remain nameless), so that we can light candles every night of Hanukkah from now on. But of course, I insisted on having something a bit modern and groovy and slightly unorthodox (not in a religious sense) and so I found the menorrah of my dreams (were I to dream of such things) hand made by an industrial designer in San Francisco who, ironically enough, is also married to a non-Jew. But if anyone needed proof that this was the right menorrah for us, instead of it arriving a few days after the last day of Hanukkah, as both the shipper and Fedex had predicted, the menorrah arrived at our doorstep on the morning of the eighth and final night of Hanukkah. A true Hanukkah miracle!

Daddy Draper showing his little girl how to light the candles. I suppose it will fall to me to show her how to leave cookies out for Santa.


Katharine said...

That is stunning!

Katharine said...

PS: Don't forget the carrot sticks for the reindeer...some of them like a nice dip on the side also ;)