Saturday, February 19, 2011

Christmasnooch part 3

And we're back. Life doesn't stop because the blog does so I realized I'd better keep blogging if I have any hope at all of catching up with reality.

So Gabrielle's birthday seems to have become part of the Christmas holiday festivities. Although the thought of throwing her a "real" birthday party was daunting at first, it came together in the last 24 hours before the party and, I think, fairly successfully.

Before the party, Gabrielle and Maggie modelling their party hats:

Lauren arrived and we immediately put her to work. Actually, she was supposed to be there as a guest, but her favourite people just wouldn't let her stand around, empty-handed.

The plan was for all the kids to arrive, settle in, and then put their snowsuits back on for tobogganing! Bad planning on my part - getting kids in and out of their snowsuits should be a timed Olympic event.

This was actually Naya's first time tobogganing and she was immediately a pro at it, no surprise. I'm sure she found Dovercourt's baby hill quite dull. (This is also one of the last pictures ever taken of Logan's sled. Mark basically pried it out of the poor boy's hands so that he could take a ride on it and immediately broke it. I'm putting this in the blog so that we don't forget to buy you a new one, Logan. Mark will, he promises.)

Katharine didn't find the hill dull!

There's an ice track as part of the hill, where kids (and the occasional adult) go down, generally without sleds. G and Madeline were on their stomachs, ready to go down, and I inadvertently skated down, trying to get a winning picture of them.

When we got home, it was pizza for everyone. Who likes pizza??

The cake. Maggie, Gabrielle and I actually had quite a bit of fun making it the night before. I iced it overnight, as a surprise for Gabrielle. She thought it was bee-yoo-ti-ful!

Gabrielle just loves the idea of birthday cakes and birthday candles but the reality of it seems to overwhelm her. Notice the look of terror in her eyes as the cake approched.

Eating cake is far less scary.

As is opening gifts. Paper, bags, children, toys everywhere...

Saving the biggest for last! G doing her happy dance as the art easel from Nana and Grandad emerged.

One of my favourite pictures from the day. Thank you Nana!

The party ended with a balloon popping fest. It quickly descended into pure madness, Lord of the Flies territory, but it was pretty fun for the kids so I just went to my happy place and waited for them to collapse in a heap.

After the party, Gabrielle playing with one of Isaac's toys. Ain't it always the way... (and scooch over Grandad!).

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