Monday, March 21, 2011

Logan is four??

It's hard to believe. But I don't think that's what he's sad about. I think it's the ginormous and hilarious hat on his head.

It's actually a perfect size for those who are well-endowed in the cranium department. I love how Declan is rolling his eyes, like "oh dad, you're so lame...."

Isaac had a great time, just wandering around the cool little farmhouse the party was being held in. He was pretty independent for a change, which was nice for Mark and I, although we both assumed he was with the other one when often, he'd be off exploring.

Susie was there, helping to explain the strategy for pin the balloon on the fire engine.

Logan had a fantastic fire truck cake.

Delicious cupcakes, firetruck cake, marble cake, what's not to love about birthday parties?

G and Naya, cute as always...

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


I shot this video because I was trying to get a movie of Isaac's walking skills (circa January 23, 2011) but Gabrielle kept trying to thwart my efforts. I love how the whole thing descends into madness very very quickly.

Picture by G

I can always spot pictures taken by Gabrielle when I'm looking through them on my camera. No, it's not her unique perspective on the world. It's her trademark finger sticking into every picture.

Mandelker/Peres clan visit

This seems like so long ago but it was only January! I love having my brother and his family visit, although I never seem to get any pictures of Amos. Next time, bro, fer shure...

The house was crowded but I think it was ok. I've always had a very close relationship with these four and loved having them all crammed into our cramped little basement. Bwoo haha - call it little sister's revenge.

Carolyn managed to reconnect with the little boy who she'd helped us with so many months ago. The *boom* game she invented with him is still played here. The rules: bump something against the wall and say boom. Most often your head. Repeat.

The boys bonding in front of the telly. I think this is the first time I see Isaac looking like a little boy as opposed to a baby. His cool little man sweater goes a far way toward giving him that air of maturity.

The cousins had a blast. I think each of Ben and Amelia are developing their own dynamic with Gabrielle. Ben amused G while Amelia compared their hair types. All good.