Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mandelker/Peres clan visit

This seems like so long ago but it was only January! I love having my brother and his family visit, although I never seem to get any pictures of Amos. Next time, bro, fer shure...

The house was crowded but I think it was ok. I've always had a very close relationship with these four and loved having them all crammed into our cramped little basement. Bwoo haha - call it little sister's revenge.

Carolyn managed to reconnect with the little boy who she'd helped us with so many months ago. The *boom* game she invented with him is still played here. The rules: bump something against the wall and say boom. Most often your head. Repeat.

The boys bonding in front of the telly. I think this is the first time I see Isaac looking like a little boy as opposed to a baby. His cool little man sweater goes a far way toward giving him that air of maturity.

The cousins had a blast. I think each of Ben and Amelia are developing their own dynamic with Gabrielle. Ben amused G while Amelia compared their hair types. All good.

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