Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My little sportsman

I bought the Adidas track suit on a whim one day when I was slumming it at Winners. A total 1970s throwback but looks totally fresh on a toddler, in my humble opinion.

Now that he's mastered walking, he's all about the talking. He must have a few dozen words. Some of them are ridiculous: "yayoop" is yoghurt and "poon" is spoon but we understand him and as a result, he's eating alot of yoghurt.


Meaghan said...

great suit!! I've been looking at an Adidas track jacket for myself.
Can't believe how fast he's going now! crazzzzyyy

Katharine said...

Wow, he's fast! I can tell you who would win the family toddler races, that is for sure.

Funny how T eats a lot of crackers (ta-tuh) for the same reason.