Friday, November 25, 2011

Finally two!

I say "finally" because it seems like it's been a long two years. In some ways, it's hard to believe Isaac's already two, but at the same time, it's hard to remember a time before he was born. I could always consult the blog, of course, to remind myself, but you know what I mean.

Anyways, we decided, somewhat last minute-ish, to have a birthday party with some of Isaac's friends. I don't know why we do it - it always stresses me out and then afterwards I need a huge dose of alcohol to chill out. But these are the things memories are built from so...

Mark and Isaac hanging out in the basement with some of the guests. Mark is notably clean-shaven, although you can just make out the shadow of his Movember Mo.

Once his guests arrived, we played some old-fashioned party games, including this old classic with a new twist: pin the chick on the barnyard scene! Note how Gabrielle tries to help Naya (who is blindfolded) by pointing at the place she should aim for.

And the results! Not bad, kidlets. This game took all of 10 minutes to complete. It's a 2-hour party! Gulp - what's next?

Get the kids dressed and send them outside for a little hunt - we hid some matchbox cars in our side yard, one per kid. You kids have fun trying to find them!

Yeah... real fun, rummaging through Mark and Belinda's trash...

Baby Alix just wouldn't cooperate so Chaughan had to pick her up and literally shove her nose at a hidden car.

Fun game - total elapsed time: 7.5 minutes.

Now some portraits of some old friends. Hold still kids!

No, I mean it, look at me.

OK, I got the shot. Sorta.

OK, let's eat.

Time for cake.

I might have overdone it on the blue dye in the frosting.

Yeah, I think I might have.

Yup. But blue frosting makes me feel soooooo happy....

As does opening presents.

A fun party. Happy birthday Mr. Mister!


Katharine said...

Happy Birthday Isaac! I finally have a gift for him, I just have to wrap it and get it mailed so it gets to you before you get to us for Christmas! I wouldn't hold my breath...

Belinda said...

Please don't worry about it! You can even hold onto it and make it his Xmas gift - he really doesn't need anything right now...