Sunday, November 13, 2011


I've always been scared of sleeping children but these ones aren't so bad.

Hopefully, this will be the last ever photo of Gabrielle with a susu in her mouth. We made a deal with her (a.k.a. a fat bribe) that we would buy her a toy kitchen if she will voluntarily stop using a pacifier. Otherwise, we are confiscating it on her 4th birthday. Today, she asked for the toy kitchen and I told her she knew what she had to do. Unfortunately, it wasn't clear whether she made it through nap time without it. It was lying next to her in bed but she swears up and down she didn't put it in her mouth. Also unfortunately, she doesn't always know the difference between "joking" and "lying," so I told her she had to make it through the night before I'd go get the toy kitchen. She is uncharacteristically focussed on that toy kitchen and insisted on going to bed without her pacifier. If she makes it through the night, we order the kitchen tomorrow. Stay tuned.

*UPDATE* Mark just checked in on her and she is snoring away. This is the first time in years she has slept without a silicone nipple in her mouth. I'm very proud of her for doing this on her own. I mean, she's doing it for the kitchen, but you know what I mean...


Katharine said...

It is great when they do things on their own. M was 6 when she gave up the thumb sucking but it was so easy once she made up her mind to do it. I've had friends who have had the "pacifier fairy" visit their house and take the pacifiers to new babies that need them in exchange for bribes, I mean gifts. Whatever works!

Belinda said...

We are also going to pack up the pacifiers and send them somewhere - I'm letting her dictate the destination.