Saturday, August 25, 2012

We love dragon boats!

And so yes, we decided to head to Mooney's Bay for the annual Dragon Boat Festival, which none of us had ever attended before. Dragon Boating has always occupied a mythical place in my psyche. I'd never even heard of it before moving to Toronto, and then I got the sense that it was for lesbians. I have no idea why. Or maybe I do, but I'm not naming names. So anyways, we decided to go check it out, because it's one of those big deal things in Ottawa. I ended up really enjoying it. Lots of races, lots of people, lots of teams, lots of food. Plus there were some hotshot bike trick guys and a beach full of sand. Sorry I didn't get any actual pictures of Dragon Boats but I'm interested in paddling next year if I can find a team of lesbians who would want me.

Just kidding.

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