Tuesday, December 18, 2012

"Baby's first haircut"

At the age of 3!!??

So as we were cruising towards the fall, we realized Isaac's hair was finally starting to get in his eyes. Hey, how about a haircut? Called our local kids' haircutters, Chiquicuts, and booked "Baby's first haircut" at a discounted rate. They were a little surprised when they saw how old he was. But still, it's his first haircut, so they honoured the discount.

I was concerned that he'd be averse to having a stranger cutting his hair. Turns out, once the TV was on, he didn't notice a thing. Below, the captivating power that is Dora.

He spent most of his time ducking from Linda and trying to see around her.

He didn't speak a word to his hairdresser, he just focused steadfastly on the TV screen.

And then, 10 minutes later, it was all over. We never made it past the previews.

Another satisfied Chiquicuts customer.

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