Friday, October 3, 2008

Change of primary caregiver :-(

I'm back at work (I mean back at the office - I'm solidly convinced that taking care of your child is work) and Mark is home full-time with Gabrielle. I'm bummed. Until today, Gabrielle hasn't been too upset about it, but this morning she actually cried when I said goodbye in the morning. I think she's figured out that when I put on the fancy clothes, I won't be back for awhile. Mark said she stopped crying pretty soon after I left but it wasn't fun to walk away from her like that. 

Fun times at the park. Mark and Gabrielle modeling their father-daughter toques. Looking at this picture makes me glad that for Gabrielle's first Christmas, Mark won't have to wear a fake beard.

At the Children's Museum, Mark and Gabrielle share a ride on a scooter. I can't believe he would put her on anything but a Vespa.

At Music Together, with Angie and Logan and Andie and Callum. 

Thanks Angie for all these photos. Now that Mark's the primary caregiver, he's going to have to be responsible for documenting our child's life. Stay tuned.

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