Monday, October 6, 2008

Gigi's first nuptials

We drove to Montreal this weekend to attend the wedding of my former colleague, Stefanie, and her new husband, Mark. Mapquest failed us by navigating us to Pierrefonds instead of Pointe Claire, so instead of arriving a half hour early as we had planned, we ended up sneaking into the church 20 paces behind the bride. Above, Mark pleads with Gabrielle to shut it.

Gabrielle *walked the pews* during the ceremony. Sorry 'bout that.

Given that we were with a squirming 9 month old, we were thrilled to find out that it was a mercifully short ceremony, clocking in at just about an hour. Gabrielle managed to sneak into this photo of the happy new couple.

Needless to say, Gigi was the sharpest dressed one in the *under 12 month* category.

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