Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Gabrielle's been doing her fair share of socializing lately - above, here she is at Pascale and Elijah's home. I originally met Pascale at the Tuesday afternoon playgroup we would both attend. Then when Mark went on leave, he became friends with her at the same playgroup. When I first met her, Elijah was only four weeks old or so, and Gabrielle was around four or five months. Elijah's caught up quickly - he's running around on his own and he's about the same size. Note Gabrielle is checking out the liner notes in the CD. Mark taught her that.

They have a rabid dog that took big honkin' bites out of my arm and Gabrielle's leg, and Mark's shoes and....
Happily, Gabrielle wasn't scared of the dog, just incredibly annoyed everytime he'd come by and lick her. It's even worse than being wiped down with a washcloth!

Gabrielle has also rekindled her relationship with her babyhood friend Madeline, and her mother Manon. They look quite similar, both being hairless types, but Maddy is 9 months older and 5 pounds lighter!

Fast forward 18 years and turn Gabrielle's sippy cup into a gin and tonic and Maddy's juice box into a Corona.

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