Tuesday, February 3, 2009


On Manon and Madeline's suggestion, Mark and I ventured out to Gatineau Park this past weekend with Gabrielle in a rented babyglider. As you can see from the photo, I opted to skate ski, while Manon and Mark both classicked. I soon realized that skate skiing is hard enough without a 30 lb. weight dragging you down. I pulled for about 2 kms and then dumped the sleigh on Mark.

Here I am! This picture was actually taken right before we started skiing. Gabrielle wasn't thrilled to be zipped into this contraption, but she soon settled down and fell asleep. She was a bit cold by the time we got back to the chalet, despite the awesomeness of her snowsuit. I think that if we try this again, we'll only do so on a warmish winter day.

The apres-ski: a sippy cup of milk and a salami and cheese sandwich. 

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