Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Madeline turns 2

Gabrielle seems to get invited to an inordinate number of birthday parties for a 15 month old. As a result, she needs an inordinate amount of party clothing (can't be seen in the same outfit twice, dontcha know). Happily, her cousin Amelia's gift of this groovy silver top arrived the day before the birthday party. Worn with short jeans and funky pink boots from my mother, she was all set to party it up, Barrhaven-style. 

The must-have accessory for spring - a pointy hat.

The birthday girl and the bilingual birthday cake: Happy FĂȘte Maddie. 

Priceless moment: Maddie leaned in to give Gabrielle a kiss to thank her for the gift...

...but Gabrielle pushes her away. Way to make friends and influence people, G.

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