Tuesday, March 10, 2009

More bad parenting and assorted sauces

I tried to take Gabrielle out for a walk on Sunday. It was a beautiful spring-like day, and I thought how fun it would be to go out and just go for a walk. Two steps out and *blam* she's face down on the asphalt. She didn't cry much, but the scrape under her eye is painful to look at, and people look at us like we beat her. Thank goodness it's Meaghan who is out with her most of the time - I can't bear the judgmental looks from strangers...  ;-)

On an unrelated note, G has figured out how to open the big cupboards in our kitchen and has taken to removing whatever she can get her hands on. She's big on Bovril and vanilla extract right now. And tonight, I found the steak spice in our office desk drawer. Things are getting fun around here...

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