Sunday, August 23, 2009

Daycare and dogs

Sorry for the delay since my last posting - our lives have been completely wrapped up in transitioning Gabrielle to daycare. It's not an exaggeration to say it's going fairly terribly. She cries and grasps onto us when we drop her off and spends some of the day crying, based on her caregivers' accounts. No surprise, she enjoys mealtimes and circle time the best. We're going into week 4 now of this experiment - we're going to keep trying at this for a few more weeks and see if things improve. Above, here she is at the entrance to her daycare, in a rare non-miserable moment...

Luckily, we had Erin for the first week of G's transition to daycare. She would take G in for a few hours and then go pick her up and spend the afternoon with her. 

Here's one of G's more patient pals from the dog park behind our house: Orderly. Yes, that's the name of the dog. 

Did I mention she was patient?

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