Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 4 update

For such a little guy, Isaac sure causes alot of trouble. Since he's been born, we seem to be constantly worried about his health, which is so unlike our experience when Gabrielle was his age.

First of all, he was basically born with a cold, so he's been congested and stuffed-up since I've known him. This caused him to wake up gasping for air at night - and there's nothing that can be done other than wait for his immature immune system to fight it off.

Second, the midwife thought she heard a very slight heart murmur at his last check-up, so she sent us to a pediatrician for a more thorough examination. Since Isaac was so stuffed-up and congested, the pediatrician couldn't hear a thing, although she got about 3 seconds of clear breathing and didn't think she could hear anything. We're going to be following up with her this week, but it seems like there's nothing to worry about, as he's not showing any signs that would cause concern.

Finally, Isaac failed one of his newborn screening tests, having us (OK, maybe just me) in a complete panic that he might have cystic fibrosis. Thankfully, medical testing proved 36 hours later that he doesn't have CF but is only a carrier, as is one of Mark or I. Who knew?...

Here's Isaac at his 4-week check-up, getting the once-over by Denise.

Weighing in at 10 lbs 5 ozs - not the corpulent baby that G was, but completely within normal range.


Katharine said...

Too cute! He does resemble you more than Mark.

Katharine said...

Is that a sposie diaper I spy? The horror!

Belinda said...

Beh, we're not as rigorous with the cloth as we were with G - Isaac gets throw-aways at night and when we're going out and about and I know I won't be changing him for awhile. SO SUE ME!!