Saturday, March 6, 2010

Logan is thwee!

Hard to believe Logan is already three, but there you go, apparently he is. Gabrielle pronounces it "thwee" and I'm sure all 2-year olds do the same. Angie had the excellent idea to arrange a tour of a local fire station as part of the birthday party festivities (but don't go out and ask your local fire station to host a birthday party because they won't do it if you tell them it's for a birthday party. So you can have your party there as long as you don't tell them, see?) Logan is your classic truck-crazy boy, and can easily differentiate the many different types of fire trucks that exist. He was pretty ecstatic about the whole thing, right down to the truck shaped birthday cake. Ten out of ten Angie!

Gabrielle was less enthralled with the whole fire truck theme, but put on a pretty good show, once she got used to the whole thing.

The babies were not left out: below are Isaac and Sawyer enjoying the view of the front of the trucks.

The kids were pretty cute sitting at their little tables, just eating on their own. Look how excited Logan looks about something Naya has just said. He's like, "Omigod, are you serious?". And she's like, "totally."

The two photos below were taken by our friend Sacha - beautiful candid portraits of Mark gazing upon his offspring, other than the chocolate and whatnot smeared all over G's dress.

1 comment:

Katharine said...

Looks like a great time. G looks so much like Mark in that last one!