Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lunch with the Macdonalds and housing woes

Isaac and I met Erin and Meaghan at the Pantry for lunch, a vegetarian restaurant frequented by all the Macdonald clan. It was my first time there, but it seemed familiar, as I had seen many pictures of Gabrielle eating lunches there when she was under Meaghan's care.

Meaghan always says the same thing when she first sees Isaac: "c'mere boyfriend."

Matt Macdonald getting in on the Isaac action - he being the one who previously had accompanied Gabrielle's dance routine on his guitar.

It's nice that Isaac's still at an age where I can pass him around. At a real estate open house the other day, I left him with the sales agent while I ran around, looking at the house. He was all smiles when I returned but not because of me - there was a crowd of house-hunters all gathered around him, cooing and clucking at him. I wish I could say it had any softening effect on the sale price of the house because it didn't - the house still sold for $80,000 over asking. We are really facing a challenge in the current Ottawa housing market (i.e. we are screwed).


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