Wednesday, June 30, 2010

G's last day of daycare

Today was Gabrielle's last day of daycare. I actually cried, I have no idea why. I guess it's one of those "end of an era" things, but it really was so nice knowing G was happy and making friends, learning stuff, etc. Her wonderful teacher Suzie made this amazing movie to document Gabrielle's year at the Andrew Fleck Daycare. I'm so grateful to have this...

I'm afraid due to copyright issues, the video may only be viewable to those watching it in Canada.


Unknown said...

Her teacher made this???? Wow, this is so beautiful!!!


Meaghan said...

why can't i watch it! i live in the same cityyyyyyyyyyyyy

Belinda said...

I don't know! You should be able to...

Meaghan said...

This is absolutely incredible! she is such a doll.