Wednesday, June 16, 2010

There's a right way and a wrong way to use a jolly jumper

The right way - notice Isaac's proper and elegant jumping form:

The wrong way - I'm pretty sure this voids the warranty but it sure is fun (and contains an important lesson in physics at the end):


Katharine said...

Isaac needs to give Trevor lessons. One of the reasons our family Dr. wants to send him for developmental assessment is that he doesn't jump in the jumperoo - along with the not crawling, etc.

Belinda said...

I didn't know your doctor wanted to send Trevor for an assessment! I thought babies don't need to crawl anyways?? This is all news to me...

Angie said...

Why is it that all the 'funnest' moments end in tears?

Derek and Logan have a play time routine each night after dinner that I've affectionately labelled "play til you cry time". They play rougher and rougher games until Logan melts down/hurts himself/cries about something, and then they go watch a TV show together before bed. Men.

Great videos. I love Isaac's baby feet.

Unknown said...

Seems you`ve got a future little Baryshnikov on your hands! That grand jeté is splendid!