Sunday, September 5, 2010

And then there's Ben!

Hard to believe my little nephew Ben flew halfway across the country, unaccompanied, but there you go. I remember him as a screaming little baby. Things have improved alot since then - he did no screaming whatsoever in his three days with us - thanks Ben! We loved having him: Mark got to play some golf and I got to find out what the twelve-year olds are into these days.

My three handsome men:

And Ben, the fashion guy, picked a fantastic skirt for his little cousin. Did she love it? YESsss...

My mom came to visit her grandson from Halifax and grabbed a little nibble on Isaac's ear while she was here.

Oh look, he likes chewing on rib bones! Who knew?...

And my dad and Marie came to visit Ben as well. Of course you wouldn't know it, as I only have photos of my kids with them - I'm a very bad auntie, sorry Ben. Anywho... here's Isaac at the beginning of every visit with people he doesn't see often: who the hell are you?! He warmed up quickly, as he always does.

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