Monday, August 30, 2010

Drapereses gone wild!

Well sorta. We actually just took on the Presqu'ile Provincial Park for a couple of nights - not really the wilderness, but it did involve sleeping outdoors for two nights with only a high-tech six-man tent between us and the critters.

What I really love about camping is that Mark instantly transforms himself into Crocodile Dundee and remains so for the duration of the trip. Khaki shorts, shirt, hat, probably undies too.

Inside of aforementioned tent. Lots of room for all of us and Mark and I could easily stand up in the middle - a drastic change from the one-and-a-half man tent (creepy visual) we slept in across America. Isaac kept rolling off his foam into the extreme corner of the tent, his face mashed up against the walls of the thing, so I'd do a quick check a couple of times a night to see if he was breathing. In this photo, we are trying to convince the kids to take their naps:

Isaac got to play with his pal Sawyer, who is five weeks older than him. Play is a strong word. Shove things at each other and occasional hair-pulling (because Sawyer can't get him back) is a more apt description, I think.

Our campsite faced out onto this lovely view: Lake Ontario never looked more like an ocean.

Logan and Gabrielle gettin' funky with glowsticks...

Let's all look out at the waves and contemplate the nature of reality. Or at least what we're going to have for lunch.

The day we were leaving, we managed to get Isaac down for his morning nap. Oh so very cozy - man, I wish I could sleep like that.

Angie and her little man Declan.

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