Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Big Move

Hey, I'm only a month behind in my blogging - I'm catching up!

This has been a crazy month. Maybe they're all crazy and I just haven't gotten used to it yet. Anyways, the packing happened simultaneously with our taking possession of the new house and the doing of some small cosmetic changes to it as well as Bluesfest (oh horror!) We got it all done but it was stresssssssssful! At one point, I had to tape G's mouth closed in order to concentrate on the task at hand (see above).

The Wallis House, right before the move. We left the TV plugged in until the very last minute. Bye bye condo, we'll miss your big rooms and beautiful walls...

The new house, 10 hours x 3 strapping young men later. We love the sunlight and cross breezes...

First drop in guest: Anna (and Marc)! Who can resist Gabrielle??

Pat and Jane made the long journey to see the new digs (and the kids, I suppose...). Nice to have guests - will be even nicer once we get the guest room set up. It's on the never-ending list of stuff to do...

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