Sunday, August 8, 2010

Playdate with Celydia

In the last few months of daycare, Gabrielle made a friend named Celydia (pronounced Sa-lid-ia). According to the daycare ladies, those two became joined at the hip at school, doing most things together. The funny thing is that the two almost couldn't be more different, physically. Even though they are basically the same age, Celydia is teeny-tiny - easiest the smallest kid in her class - and dark-skinned. G was the largest kid in her class and the palest too. We decided to meet up for a playdate in the park so the two of them could try to continue their friendship.

A rousing chorus of "Ring around the Rosie" to start things off.

Chatting in the stroller. I meant it when I said they are a study in contrasts.

Celydia holding onto G's belly for dear life at the splash pad.

Mark took the opportunity to cool Isaac down on one of the water jets. Hard to tell but I don't think Isaac much liked it.

But he always forgives us.

1 comment:

Meaghan said...

this is the cutest pic ever!